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“Rediscovering yourself and your body,
and learn to make new choices for work or life.”

werk of privé: Citaat

Take the first step towards change today

If you get stuck in your work or private life, or if you are looking for growth, change, well-being or connection, somatic coaching is for you. In an individual coaching process, we start from your body and movement language. The body tells you a lot, but sometimes it can be necessary to learn to listen again.

werk of privé: Over

“I like to remind people of the joy and wonder of connected and expressive movement.”

As a certified Laban movement analyst, Marieke helps you recognize patterns that can be seen in your movement. Because of her background as a dance therapist, Registered Somatic Movement Therapist & Educator, and Mindfulness trainer, she can guide you in the process of experiencing for yourself what is good or important for you.  is. Want to know more about Marieke?

werk of privé: Over

Examples of themes for coaching

Whether you have a physical, mental or social question, or want to get started with a life question,
know that the wisdom of the body and movement can help you.

werk of privé: Recensies

Improving posture/movement so that you suffer less from the adverse effects of, among other things, a lot of sedentary work.

How does it work? 

You are invited to participate actively in the process through  physical experience, feeling, moving and talking. Writing or drawing can also be part of the process. We try to recognize automatic patterns and find more efficient ways of moving, expressing and living. Concrete and practical tips are provided and practiced. In this way you learn to make full use of your  competencies, skills and passions, and you can live more fully, and be more happy and successful in your work.

werk of privé: Welkom

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acquaintance, intake  and  sessions

Initial interview

  • Free telephone consultation!

  • Introduction/consultation about request for help and/or coaching  something for you.

  • Up to 30 minutes

Online session

  • 60 euros per hour

  • Video calling via the online platform ZOOM (AVG-proof), easy and free to install.

  • Sessions last up to an hour and a half

Face to face session

  • 80 euros per hour

  • In Raar, Meerssen

  • Sessions last up to an hour and a half

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